Model for wooden structure
Model for wooden structure
Prototype was constructed in an aircraft hangar with no natural light. It was a freestanding piece (3.5m high and 8m in diameter) made from wood, fabric and photocopied acetate, and lit from within. The wooden framework was hexagonal in shape with a series of cross-sections forming smaller internal hexagons. These were delineated with fabric of varying degrees of transparency. In this way corridors were formed designed to be walked through by the audience.
The fabrication plans for a pre-WW2 German bomber were enlarged and photocopied onto A4 sheets of acetate. Sections of these were joined using treasury tags, and suspended in front of the lengths of fabric. The transparency of the fabric allowed these sections of aircraft to be viewed from either side. It was also possible to see through a number of layers of fabric and aircraft sections.
Prototype made reference to the German Condor Legion which was responsible for the bombing of Guernica, and also their use of the Spanish Civil War as a testing ground. The bombing of Guernica and nearby villages was one of the first instances of aerial bombing uses as a weapon against civilian populations.
The size of the hexagonal framework was determined by the size of Picasso's painting and was formed by intersecting three rectangles, each equivalent to the size of the original stretcher. This form also makes reference to military fortifications from earlier centuries - one of the proposed venues in Spain is an 18th century star-fort.
On a formal level the piece explores notions of multiple viewpoints and the disintegration of the picture plane; ideas inherent in Cubism which underpin many of the art movements of the 20th century.