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Published writing


Book chapter - A vigorous corrective: The Ulster ’71 festival in Northern Ireland. Architecture, Festival and the City. Browne, J. & Frost, C. (Eds.) Routledge. With Dr. Sarah Lappin.


Book chapter - Urban Transportation: Córas Iompair Éireann and Michael Scott. Infra-Eireann: Infrastructure and the Architectures of Modernity in Ireland 1916-2016. Boyd G. & McLoughlin J. (Eds.) Ashgate. With Dr. Sarah Lappin.


Member of the research team for Infra-Éireann, Irish Pavilion at the Venice Architectural Biennale curated by Jonh McLoughlin and Gary Boyd.



Journal article - The Scandinavian Report: its origins and impact on the Kilkenny Design Workshops. Journal of Art Histriography, Issue 9, December 2013.


Book chapter - ‘Positions of Periphery to Centre: the Festival of Britain’. Peripheries, Morrow, R. & Abdelmonem, G. (Eds.), Routledge, 2012. With Dr Sarah Lappin.  



Book chapter - Notes and queries, chapter in Irish Women Artists - 1800-2010: Familiar but Unknown, Ed. Eimear O’Connor, Four Courts Press, Dublin. Book chapter examining the gender distribution of exhibitors in art galleries in Belfast from 1960-1995.


Journal article - Ballrooms to barber shops: visual art venues in Northern Ireland in the latter half of the twentieth century. Artefact, Issue 2, Winter.



Book chapter  - Art and Research Exchange and the Artists’ Collective of Northern Ireland – the early years, Footnotes, Interface.

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